Funds Center - Amundi's Presentation

Amundi, a European leader

Amundi is Europe's largest asset manager in Europe based on Assets under Management and ranks in the top 10¹ globally.
The Group manages nearly 2.1 trillion² euros of assets across six investment hubs³.

Key Figures

Top 10

A comprehensive range of investment strategies

An in-depth knowledge of the investment universe across both passive and active strategies, including:

  • alpha-focused portfolios (fixed income, equities, multi-asset), 
  • smart beta and factor-based approaches, 
  • real assets (real estate, private equity, private debt, infrastructure), 
  • advisory and services…

A unique focus on helping clients make more informed investment decisions by benefitting from Amundi’s research expertise and insights based on our unparalleled analytical capabilities and presence in the world’s key financial centres3.

A client-centric service model

A global client base of over 100 million retail, institutional and corporate clients reflects our ability to earn the trust of a wide variety of private and public investors all over the world. 

Amundi relies on its extensive experience and close partnerships with wealth managers, distribution platforms, and retail networks in Europe, Asia-Pacific and North America to offer customized products, innovative services and value-added investment advice that best fit retail clients’ needs and risk profiles.

We leverage on our comprehensive expertise and on our research-driven investment culture to provide holistic and objective investment solutions, combined with high quality service, to our institutional and corporate clients worldwide. 

Global geographic coverage, true client proximity

Amundi is the number one asset manager1 in Europe based on Assets Under Management, with leadership positions in key continental markets:

  • Amundi is ranked n° 1 in France4
  • in the top 3 in Italy5 and Austria6,
  • and is a premier international player in Germany7

 Discover all our offices on

To learn more

To learn more about the story of the Amundi Group, its shareholders information, HR policy or to follow all our daily information, go to our corporate website

1. Source: IPE “Top 500 Asset Managers” published in June 2023 and based on AUM as at December 2022
2. Amundi figures as of March 31, 2024
3. Investment hubs: Boston, Dublin, London, Milan, Paris and Tokyo
4. SIX Financial Information, open-ended funds under French law, September 2023
5. Source: Assogestioni as of February 2024
6. Source: VÖIG as of February 2024
7. Source: BVI as of December 2022

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